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CodeCup 2022 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2022 - An online programming competition


Contest Spaghetti
Date Fri Oct 01 2021
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 36
Swiss rounds 7
Players in final round 36

Results and ranking

Click here for a CSV of the results.

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Tapani Utriainen (41,FI)CodeCupSpaggiari C 42 5724
2Pepijn Overbeeke (30,NL)CodeCupAugustusGloop C++ 17 42 5482
3Koen Wolters (27,NL)CodeCupspakhetti C++ 17 42 5260
4Bas van den Aardweg (34,NL)CodeCupa C++ 17 42 5251
5Steven Kroon (50,NL)CodeCupBendOrBreak C 42 5190
6Matthijs Tijink (29,NL)CodeCupcarbonara C++ 17 42 5096
7Noah Goldsmid (25,NL)CodeCupmeatball C++ 17 42 5084
8Sander Verdonschot (33,CA)CodeCupAmatriciana Java 42 4935
9Frank Meert (51,NL)CodeCupRandetti Java 42 4903
10Jens Heuseveldt (24,NL)CodeCupSpagAndCheese C++ 17 42 4712
11Emil Riedeman (17,NL)NIONotProperlyTested C++ 17 42 4569
12Boris de Wilde (40,NL)CodeCupGina C++ 17 42 4455
13Laurent van den Bos (29,NL)CodeCupLasagna C 42 4366
14Theo Dorst (32,NL)NIOplzdontfail2 Python 3 42 4327
15Stian Valle (32,NO)CodeCupEverPeckish_v2 C++ 17 42 4288
16Anatolijs Gorbunovs (34,LV)CodeCupsemidummy C++ 17 42 4284
17Maarten Schadd (38,NL)CodeCupMafaldine1 Java 42 4183
18Joël Vermeulen (16,NL)NIOspaghetti_eater... Python 3 42 4133
19Bauke Conijn (34,NL)CodeCupmacaroni C++ 17 42 4117
20Christian Nilsson (41,SE)CodeCupFlyingSpaghetti... C++ 42 4062
21Joakim Mjärdner (44,SE)CodeCupNaughtyNoodle JavaScript 42 3898
22Zino Onomiwo (26,NL)CodeCuptest2 C++ 17 42 3873
23Sietse Averesch (17,NL)NIOtest Python 3 42 3699
24Dirk Groot (44,NL)CodeCupSpaghettiAIDente Java 42 3671
25Jeroen Op de Beek (19,NL)CodeCupNuWerktie C++ 17 42 3663
26Nick Stijger (18,NL)CodeCupLOL C++ 17 42 3567
27Marco Meijer (19,NL)CodeCupspicy_meat_a_ball C++ 17 42 3485
28Rob Bieman (18,NL)NIOa C++ 11 42 3204
29Pieter Marsman (30,NL)CodeCupcarbonara C++ 17 42 3156
30Leopold Tschanter (61,AT)CodeCupltspa C++ 17 42 3119
31Amir Farukshin (34,RU)CodeCuptest C++ 17 42 3050
32Tomek Czajka (40,PL)CodeCupv1 C++ 17 42 2954
33Marcel Vlastuin (62,NL)UnofficialDeviazione C++ 42 4989
34Ludo Pulles (24,NL)UnofficialBolognese C++ 17 42 4069
35Jelmer Firet (21,NL)UnofficialRudolph C++ 17 42 3802
36Willem van der Vegt (66,NL)Unofficials3d FreePascal 42 2567 6

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 
40 41 42