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CodeCup 2024 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2024 - An online programming competition


Contest Sudoku
Date Sat Nov 18 2023
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 53
Swiss rounds 10
Players in final round 30

Results and ranking

Click here for a CSV of the results.

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Maks Verver (42, CH)CodeCupNumberwang C++ 20 39 114
2Vlad Shcherbina (38)CodeCupgenetic Rust 39 113
3Niklas Een (51, SE)CodeCupSetauku_nitro_v3 C++ 20 39 112
4Louis Verhaard (57, SE)CodeCupjelmeroku C++ 20 39 110
4Leopold Tschanter (63, AT)CodeCupltsud Rust 39 110
6Michiel Smits (43, NL)CodeCupWangernumb7 C++ 20 39 105
7Mark ter Brugge (53, NL)CodeCup2050 C 39 105 1
8Jorn Hoofwijk (28, NL)CodeCupGridOverflow Go 39 97 2
9Matthijs Tijink (32, NL)CodeCupsutasu Rust 39 97 5
10Nathan Fenner (28, US)CodeCuptwostep Rust 39 92
11Abdessamad El Kasimi (43, MA)CodeCupMamay C++ 20 39 92 1
12Antonio Morillas (58, ES)CodeCupWaffle Java 39 92 10
13SAAD YOUSFI (35, MA)CodeCupmeeseeks_box C++ 20 39 88
14Rust Kokkie (30, NL)CodeCupRustybot_v5 Rust 39 87
15Duy Truot Tuyen (18, VN)CodeCupplayer1 C++ 20 39 87 4
16Marc Oldenhof (52, NL)CodeCupMcSudoku_1_15 C++ 20 39 86 30
17Karel Hofman (15, NL)NIOproer C++ 20 39 84 1
18Zino Onomiwo (28, NL)CodeCupsudocat_v1 Rust 39 82 3
19Jelmer Hinssen (24, NL)CodeCupSuperSudoCool C++ 20 39 80
20Andor Michels (26, NL)CodeCupAaron C++ 20 39 77 39
21Boas Bakker (17, NL)NIOPseudoku C++ 20 39 76 20
22Jorik Mandemaker (37, NL)CodeCupsuds_v3 Rust 39 75 2
23Pieter Marsman (33, NL)CodeCupWooster Go 39 73 1
24Jasper van Merle (25, NL)CodeCupnegamax_player C++ 20 39 70 46
25Nguyen Khang (17, VN)CodeCupNK_team C++ 20 39 67 49
26Jens Heuseveldt (26, NL)CodeCupHighFive C++ 20 39 65 17
27Hananja van Delden (18, NL)CodeCupsud1v1_v7 C 39 63 36
28Lukas Pestalozzi (32, CH)CodeCuppythonisslow Python 3 10 29 1
28Jeroen van Oorschot (35, NL)CodeCupSudoMake Java 10 29 1
30Boris de Wilde (42, NL)CodeCupGina C++ 20 10 29 5
31Frank Meert (53, NL)CodeCupRandoku JavaScript 10 29 7
32Oscar De Jong (18, NL)NIOv13 Python 3 10 29 9
33Jan Nunnink (44, NL)CodeCuptester_v1 C++ 20 10 29 10
34Joe Rahn (22, NL)CodeCupRetaeboeht Python 3 10 29 11
34Fabio Murer (21, IT)CodeCupsudokulo1 C 10 29 11
34Bùi Quang Nguyên (16, VN)CodeCupa C++ 20 10 29 11
34Anthony Bresler (16, NL)NIOverzion2 C++ 20 10 29 11
34Frank Corporaal (26, NL)CodeCupsud_oke Python 3 10 29 11
34Fakih Karademir (24, NL)CodeCupSudoppelganger Java 10 29 11
40Wouter Kooij (15, NL)NIOSudoCode Python 3 10 28 8
41Sebastiaan Roodenburg (42, NL)CodeCupRandoku C++ 20 10 28 12
41Mees Broer (21, NL)CodeCupSudoku_player Python 3 10 28 12
41Anne Lu (29)CodeCupdust JavaScript 10 28 12
44Willem van der Vegt (68, NL)CodeCupsd0c Pascal 10 27 12
44Le Minh Hoang (17, VN)CodeCupfree_win_for_ev... C++ 20 10 27 12
44Lucas Kuunders (16, NL)NIOCodeCup_2324 C++ 20 10 27 12
47Corné Beukhof (19, NL)NIOD Python 3 10 26 14
48Fiodar Prystauka (17, BY)NIOfive_demands_no... C++ 20 10 24 16
49ZhengYi Chen (18, NL)NIOLorenzy Python 3 10 21 19
49Milan Veul (18, NL)NIOGerrit C++ 20 10 21 19
51Jelmer Firet (24, NL)UnofficialRandom C++ 20 39 74
52Ludo Pulles (27, NL)Unofficialplayer3 C 39 71
53Marcel Vlastuin (64, NL)Unofficialvlastuin C++ 20 39 66

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39