This is the archived CodeCup 2023 website.
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CodeCup 2023 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2023 - An online programming competition


Contest Entropy
Date Sat Oct 22 2022
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 40
Swiss rounds 6
Players in final round 40

Results and ranking

Click here for a CSV of the results.

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Tapani Utriainen (40,FI)CodeCupDolores C 45 18849
2Marc Oldenhof (50,NL)CodeCupMcEntropy_2_2 C++ 17 45 18794
3Matthijs Tijink (30,NL)CodeCupbalance C++ 17 45 18586
4Mark ter Brugge (52,NL)CodeCupOctober C 45 18332
5Nikita Kurgin (34,RU)CodeCupTuvok_v4_1_1 C++ 17 45 18241
6Niklas Een (49,SE)CodeCupeentropy_protus2 C++ 17 45 18057
7Alvaro Carrera (43,AR)CodeCupcarre_3 C++ 17 45 17896
8David Du Pont (22,BE)CodeCupisentropic C 45 17843
9Pepijn Overbeeke (31,NL)CodeCupBoltzmann_Brain C++ 17 45 17810
10Abdessamad El Kasimi (41,MA)CodeCupMamay C++ 17 45 17788
11Tomek Czajka (41,PL)CodeCupDemon C++ 17 45 17682
12Andor Michels (25,NL)CodeCupLove C++ 17 45 16961
13Dmitry Obukhov (29,TR)CodeCupv2 C++ 17 45 16720
14Leopold Tschanter (62,AT)CodeCupltent C++ 17 45 16693
15Boris de Wilde (41,NL)CodeCupGina C++ 17 45 16645
16Henk Koops (55,NL)CodeCupEntropyV20d C++ 17 45 16118
17Fabio Murer (19,IT)CodeCupgiogio5 C 45 15978
18Frank Meert (52,NL)CodeCupRantropy Java 45 15965
19Lin Sunny (21,TW)CodeCupwinner C++ 45 15683
20yunting Sun (21,TW)CodeCup0930 C++ 17 45 15553
21Theo Dorst (33,NL)NIOChaos2 Python 3 45 15463
22Tim Huisman (19,NL)CodeCupBasicBot C++ 17 45 15420
23Matthias Gelbmann (61,AT)CodeCupV1 C 45 15415
24Jan Bakker (18,NL)NIOcolour_blind C++ 17 45 15185
25Sarah Ting (21,TW)CodeCupnew C++ 17 45 15099 3
26Joshua Bannister-Ly (18,GB)CodeCupTestProgram4 C++ 17 45 14253
27Aniek Goeree (18,NL)NIOAvatar C++ 17 45 13493 3
28Jelle van Cappelle (23,NL)CodeCuptest C++ 17 45 13267
29Joël Vermeulen (17,NL)NIOrainbow_v5 Python 3 45 13179
30Jan Nunnink (42,NL)CodeCuppooled_v3 C++ 17 45 12783 24
31Arco Voets (17,NL)NIOEntroPython Python 3 45 12364
32Alexandru Flavian Ta... (34,RO)CodeCupLSEG_RO_atataru C++ 17 45 11851
33Jonathan Benschop (17,NL)NIONtrophy Python 3 45 11841
34Jarmo Blankestijn (17,NL)NIOEntropy2 Python 3 45 11438
35Jorian van der Ham (17,NL)NIOEntropy Python 3 45 11433
36Emil Riedeman (18,NL)NIOrando C++ 17 45 7367 31
37Marcel Vlastuin (63,NL)Unofficialvlastuin C 45 17684
38Ludo Pulles (25,NL)UnofficialLP2 C++ 17 45 15870
39Willem van der Vegt (67,NL)Unofficialen3 FreePascal 45 12789
40Jelmer Firet (22,NL)UnofficialChris_Convenien... C++ 17 45 12405

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 
39 40 41 42 43 44 45