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CodeCup 2020 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2020 - An online programming competition


Contest Gomoku
Date Sat Nov 16 2019
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 43
Swiss rounds 10
Players in final round 32

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Tomek Czajka (39,PL)CodeCupOOOOO C++ 17 41 5617
2Jeroen Op de Beek (18,NL)NIOgomokustupid C++ 17 41 5512
3Steven Kroon (49,NL)CodeCupWoooeeeeiii C 41 5241 4
4Arthur Ball (35,FR)CodeCupgokaiAB7 C++ 17 41 4840 4
5Splinter Suidman (17,NL)NIOMx_gomoku OCaml 41 4701
6Marijn Adriaanse (18,NL)NIOpow3plus2 Python 3 41 4410
7Henk Koops (52,NL)CodeCupGomokuV31 C++ 17 41 4381
8Andor Michels (22,NL)CodeCupAmeliaKuttner C++ 17 41 4195
9Laurent van den Bos (28,NL)CodeCupBoomoku C 41 4166
10Marco Meijer (17,NL)NIOMoguMogu_v3 C++ 11 41 4092
11Sjoerd Hemminga (36,NL)CodeCupSjoerdsGomokuPl... Java 41 4020 2
12Rune Valle (36,NO)CodeCupEnrahim1 C++ 17 41 3614
13Luisa Lamprea (43,CO)CodeCupArchivaldo1 Java 41 3575
14Vytautas Gruslys (30,LT)CodeCupBotato C++ 11 41 3069 13
15Leopold Tschanter (59,AT)CodeCupltgmk C++ 17 41 2935
16Paul Wiselius (72,NL)CodeCuphighfive_v1_01 FreePascal 41 2908
17Dorin Damaschin (33,RO)CodeCupdorin2 C++ 17 41 2801
18Abdessamad El Kasimi (39,MA)CodeCupgamkell Haskell 41 2616
19Daan L (17,NL)NIOdontTouchItPlea... Python 3 41 2388
20Kasper Otto (16,NL)NIOottobotto Python 3 41 2273 10
21Andrey S (45,RU)CodeCupBot Python 3 41 2196
22Tom Smeding (22,NL)CodeCupmm C++ 17 41 1900
23Noud Aldenhoven (32,NL)CodeCupUkomogv1 C++ 17 41 1561
24Sybrand Aarnoutse (18,NL)NIO9cdaa44 C++ 17 41 1424 14
25Jelmer Firet (20,NL)CodeCupLeonBrittin C++ 11 41 862
26Emil Riedeman (15,NL)NIOfast C++ 11 41 669 1
27Nick Stijger (17,NL)NIOFirst C++ 41 473
28Dirk Groot (42,NL)CodeCupGomoku Java 41 451 11
29Lucas van Osenbruggen (19,NL)NIOrandomV6 Python 3 41 260
30Alexandr Mushtagov (44,KZ)CodeCupGokuFlo Java 10 817 2
31Jelle van Cappelle (20,NL)CodeCupsimple Python 3 10 814 1
32Nikita Kurgin (32,RU)CodeCupNerys C++ 17 10 812 3
33Bram Kuijvenhoven (28,NL)CodeCupLineUp C++ 17 10 811
34Jard van Roest (18,NL)NIOVersion_1_2 C++ 17 10 802
35Lukas Gelbmann (23,AT)CodeCupstubborn Python 3 10 794
36Petr Tsvetkov (17,RU)CodeCuplimited_field_r... Python 3 10 683 3
37Kirk Brown (47,CA)CodeCupg1 C++ 11 10 489
38Sander Verdonschot (32,CA)CodeCupTianyan Java 10 484
39Corné Verhoef (20,NL)CodeCuptest Python 3 10 398
40Matthijs Tijink (28,NL)CodeCupgokusan C++ 17 10 262
41Marcel Vlastuin (60,NL)Unofficialvlastuin4 C 41 4701
42Ludo Pulles (23,NL)Unofficialprog4_v2 C++ 17 41 4058 1
43Willem van der Vegt (64,NL)Unofficialgm1 FreePascal 41 3002

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41