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CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition


Contest Blackhole
Date Sat Oct 14 2017
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 64
Swiss rounds 9
Players in final round 56

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Marc Oldenhof (46,NL)CodeCupFoulOleHole_1_3 C++ 11 64 9140
2Abdessamad El Kasimi (36,MA)CodeCupb8c6134 C 64 9043
3Maarten Schadd (34,NL)CodeCupBlackbird19 Java 64 9008
4Adil ZARHANE (35,MA)CodeCupA_0_2 Java 64 8915
5Anatolijs Gorbunovs (30,LV)CodeCupGreyTest C++ 11 64 8854
6Maks Verver (35,CH)CodeCupSagittarius C++ 11 64 8836
7Jelle van Cappelle (18,NL)CodeCupGamblerX Java 64 8811
8Rune Valle (33,NO)CodeCupEnrahim C++ 11 64 8803
9Dorin Damaschin (30,RO)CodeCupdorindamaschin C++ 11 64 8801
10Nikita Kurgin (30,RU)CodeCupPhoebe C++ 11 64 8799
11Matthijs Tijink (26,NL)CodeCupperplexity C++ 11 64 8789
12Tjeerd van Cappelle (50,NL)CodeCupHoudini Java 64 8783
13Andor Michels (20,NL)CodeCup7Jacob C++ 11 64 8768
14Tom Smeding (20,NL)CodeCupbo C++ 11 64 8734
15Leopold Tschanter (57,AT)CodeCupltblack C 64 8733
16Gijs van Swaaij (25,NL)CodeCupstrat6 Python 64 8728
17Alexandr Mushtagov (36,KZ)CodeCupBlackholeBotFlo... Java 64 8726
18Tej Kanwar (22,US)CodeCupPotentiallyReal... C++ 11 64 8711
19Sandor Pandur (30,HU)CodeCupDeepDarkBlack Haskell 64 8705
20Maarten Kok (23,NL)CodeCupMain Java 64 8692
21C.A. Nouta (32,NL)CodeCupTest C 64 8680
22Jonathan Heek (21,NL)CodeCupfix_old_bits Haskell 64 8674
23Peter Smit (30,FI)CodeCupde9888 C++ 11 64 8671
24Reijer van Harten (17,NL)NIONotEvenMyFinalF... C++ 11 64 8664
25Joaquin van Loon (17,NL)NIOPatser C++ 64 8657
26Matthias Gelbmann (56,AT)CodeCupGP C 64 8656
27Marc Craenen (24,NL)NIOBlackHole Java 64 8652
28Raul Kooter (33,NL)CodeCupAi Java 64 8638
29Arnoud Schmiermann (17,NL)CodeCupBlackhole_2 C 64 8613
29Rafael Mostert (23,NL)CodeCupfirewall Python 3 64 8613
31Kirk Joubert (31,ZA)CodeCupWasp C++ 64 8573
32Szabi Buzogany (18,NL)NIOScorpion_V4_2 C++ 64 8568
33Robert Koprinkov (17,NL)NIOEKATERINA_VELIK... C++ 11 64 8473
34Tudor Serban (37,RO)CodeCupbasic1x1static C++ 11 64 8462
35Luisa Lamprea (43,CO)CodeCupDenisse Java 64 8399
36Robbert van Kessel (29,NL)CodeCupTest13 C 64 8397
37Narcis Gemene (21,RO)CodeCup16_12_8_60_30_x_7 C++ 11 64 8361 1
38Jelmer Firet (18,NL)NIOMM3 C++ 64 8348
39Antonio Morillas (51,ES)CodeCupColador Java 64 8291
40Alexandru Flavian Ta... (28,RO)CodeCupatataru_v2 C++ 11 64 8159
41Aleksandrina Strelts... (16,RU)CodeCupJavaPlayer2 Java 64 7885
42Mkrtich Adamyan (23,AM)CodeCupCore Java 64 7812
43Koen Wolters (22,NL)CodeCupKBHT2 C++ 11 64 7666
44Bryan Westerveld (17,NL)NIOTestversie Python 64 7453
45Marien Raat (19,NL)CodeCupSlowPoke C++ 11 64 7410
46Sebastiaan Roodenburg (35,NL)CodeCupSupernova C++ 64 7375
47Hugo Arkesteijn (17,NL)NIOMemoeder C 64 6917
48John Christian David (35,PH)CodeCupB01 C++ 11 64 6325
49Stian Valle (28,NO)CodeCupR C++ 11 64 6181
50Nick Stijger (14,NL)NIOTerrorist C++ 64 6179
51Maurits van Altvorst (15,NL)NIOrandom_choice Python 3 64 6147
52Willem Melching (23,NL)CodeCupwillem1 Python 3 64 6080
53Wout Vissers (17,NL)NIOBlackh0le_1 Python 3 64 6070
54Ernest van Wijland (16,NL)NIOHIHIHI C++ 11 9 1265
55Dirk Groot (40,NL)CodeCupBlackHole Java 9 1260
56Jochem Raat (19,NL)CodeCuprandom01 C 9 1245
57Danny van Dortmont (17,NL)NIOCompetitor_2 Python 3 9 1204
58Michiel Visser (20,NL)CodeCupblackhole C 9 1182
59Tom Daman (16,NL)NIOeen_poging C++ 11 9 1144
60Peter Vermeulen (32,BE)CodeCupbasic Python 9 1123
61Jens Heuseveldt (20,NL)UnofficialBlackJ C++ 64 8718
62Marcel Vlastuin (58,NL)Unofficialvlastuin1 C 64 8584
63Willem van der Vegt (62,NL)Unofficialbh12 FreePascal 64 8197
64David Venhoek (21,NL)Unofficialtest C++ 9 1266

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 
58 59 60 61 62 63 64