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CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition


Contest Blackhole
Date Fri Jan 19 2018
Competition type Official
Status Finished
Contestants 109
Swiss rounds 16
Players in final round 74

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Abdessamad El Kasimi (36,MA)CodeCupwormhole C 89 11727
2Maarten Schadd (34,NL)CodeCupBlackbird21 Java 89 11681
3Alan Ansell (20,NZ)CodeCupEventHorizon4_2_5 C++ 11 89 11665
4Tjeerd van Cappelle (50,NL)CodeCupHoudini Java 89 11585
5Jelle van Cappelle (18,NL)CodeCupCertifiedCheese Java 89 11565
6Marc Oldenhof (46,NL)CodeCupDeepHole_2_5 C++ 11 89 11472
7Matthijs Tijink (26,NL)CodeCupperplexity C++ 11 89 11309
8Adil ZARHANE (35,MA)CodeCupA_0_2 Java 89 11301
9Sandor Pandur (30,HU)CodeCupDeepDarkBlack Haskell 89 11288
10Maks Verver (35,CH)CodeCupSagittarius C++ 11 89 11287
11Reijer van Harten (17,NL)NIONotEvenMyFinalF... C++ 11 89 11277
12Alexandr Mushtagov (36,KZ)CodeCupBlackholeBotFlo... Java 89 11271
13Anatolijs Gorbunovs (30,LV)CodeCupGreyTest C++ 11 89 11242 1
14Sander Verdonschot (29,CA)CodeCupMessier31 Java 89 11236
15Nikita Kurgin (30,RU)CodeCupPhoebe C++ 11 89 11211
16Dorin Damaschin (30,RO)CodeCupdorin C++ 11 89 11201
17Rune Valle (33,NO)CodeCupEnrahim C++ 11 89 11197
18C.A. Nouta (32,NL)CodeCupHannibal C 89 11185
19Leopold Tschanter (57,AT)CodeCupltblack C 89 11182
20Joaquin van Loon (17,NL)NIOPatser C++ 11 89 11179
21Henk Koops (49,NL)CodeCupBlackBitV21 C++ 11 89 11174
22Matthias Gelbmann (56,AT)CodeCupGP C 89 11172
23Luisa Lamprea (43,CO)CodeCupJeremy Java 89 11143
24Tej Kanwar (22,US)CodeCupPotentiallyReal... C++ 11 89 11125
25Noud Bongers (17,NL)NIOFincent Python 3 89 11091
26Jaap Taal (34,NL)CodeCup15first_or_not_2 C++ 11 89 11091 1
27Corné Verhoef (17,NL)NIOBlackSmith Python 3 89 11079
28Sven Holtrop (17,NL)NIOtok Python 3 89 11071
29Lukas Gelbmann (22,AT)CodeCupblackholebot Python 3 89 11070
30Tom Smeding (20,NL)CodeCupbo C++ 11 89 11066
31Nick Stijger (14,NL)NIOPhoenix C++ 89 11044
32Raul Kooter (33,NL)CodeCupAi Java 89 11037
33Lukas Pestalozzi (25,CH)CodeCupneutronstar Python 3 89 11034
34Gijs van Swaaij (25,NL)CodeCupstrat6 Python 89 11032
34Tudor Serban (37,RO)CodeCupintermediate5X4... C++ 11 89 11032
36Szabi Buzogany (18,NL)NIOBlackScorpion C++ 11 89 11030
37Jonathan Heek (21,NL)CodeCupfix_old_bits Haskell 89 11027
38Jovan Gerbscheid (15,NL)NIOEerste_programma Python 3 89 11025
39Andreas Unterluggauer (51,AT)CodeCupBlackhole Java 89 11022
40Tijs Lenssen (15,NL)NIOBlackBot06 C++ 89 11021
41Tom Daman (16,NL)NIObegin C++ 11 89 11017
42Gijs Pennings (17,NL)NIOQuasar C++ 11 89 10992
43Andor Michels (20,NL)CodeCup7Jacob C++ 11 89 10980
44Aleksandrina Strelts... (16,RU)CodeCupJavaPlayer Java 89 10970
45Arnoud Schmiermann (17,NL)CodeCupBlackhole_2 C 89 10936
46Wouter Kool (26,NL)CodeCupgreedyuntiltheend C++ 11 89 10925
47Shoaziz Shorakhimov (15,UZ)CodeCupStormHole Java 89 10895
48Rafael Mostert (23,NL)CodeCupfirewall Python 3 89 10870
49Robert Koprinkov (17,NL)NIOEKATERINA_VELIK... C++ 11 89 10855
50Danny Thai (17,NL)NIOGebruikMinimaxA... C++ 11 89 10807
51Ebe-Jan Buitenhuis (16,NL)NIOrekenaar Python 3 89 10797
52Kirk Joubert (31,ZA)CodeCupWasp C++ 89 10788
53Peter Smit (30,FI)CodeCupde9888 C++ 11 89 10784
54Antonio Morillas (51,ES)CodeCupColador Java 89 10772
55Dennis Heeffer (16,NL)NIO_ C++ 11 89 10729
56Robbert van Kessel (29,NL)CodeCupMitochondrion C 89 10699
57Mkrtich Adamyan (23,AM)CodeCupCore Java 89 10687
58Marc Craenen (24,NL)NIOBlackHole Java 89 10686
59Maarten Kok (23,NL)CodeCupMain Java 89 10625 1
60Reinier Schmiermann (16,NL)CodeCupBlackhole Java 89 10595 3
61Michael Janssen (17,NL)NIOa_new_player_ha... Python 3 89 10592
62Pieter Voors (19,NL)CodeCupSuperNova Java 89 10581
63Tiago Scholten (16,NL)NIOGitGut2 C++ 11 89 10433
64Hugo Arkesteijn (17,NL)NIOMemoederr C 89 10367
65Nathan van den Berg (16,NL)NIOBlackholeAI01 Python 3 89 10231
66Maurits van Altvorst (15,NL)NIOv4 Python 3 89 10012
67Leander van Wijlick (17,NL)NIODefensive_mk1 Python 3 89 9855
68Pepijn Overbeeke (26,NL)CodeCupV1 C++ 11 89 9644 16
69Marien Raat (19,NL)CodeCupSlowPoke C++ 11 89 9463
70Renze Vroom (17,NL)NIOBlackhole Python 3 89 9289 18
71Marc Shair Ali (17,NL)NIOPlsWurkDisTyme Python 3 89 8931
72Alexandru Flavian Ta... (28,RO)CodeCupatataru_v2 C++ 11 16 2402
72Annejan van den Dool (16,NL)NIOMain3 Java 16 2402
74Narcis Gemene (21,RO)CodeCup16_12_8_60_30_x_7 C++ 11 16 2399
75Sebastiaan Roodenburg (35,NL)CodeCupSupernova C++ 16 2383
76Koen Wolters (22,NL)CodeCupKBHT2 C++ 11 16 2372
77Giannis Margonis (37,GR)CodeCupfull_12 C++ 11 16 2371
78Bryan Westerveld (17,NL)NIOTestversie Python 16 2370
79Peter Vermeulen (32,BE)CodeCupbasic Python 16 2368
80Jelmer Firet (18,NL)NIOMM4 C++ 16 2367
81Vishwas N S (18,IN)CodeCupVersion1 Python 3 16 2356
82Ben van Hartingsveldt (18,NL)NIOyocBotBlackHole Java 16 2353
83Wouter Visser (17,NL)NIOD Python 3 16 2352
84Ernest van Wijland (16,NL)NIOHIHIHI C++ 11 16 2351
85Wout Vissers (17,NL)NIOBlackh0le_1 Python 3 16 2337
86Stian Valle (28,NO)CodeCupR C++ 11 16 2336
87Jard van Roest (16,NL)NIOHole_in_One Java 16 2334
88Dirk Groot (40,NL)CodeCupBlackHole Java 16 2332
89gautham s (23,IN)CodeCupBlackHoleMain Java 16 2331
90Sybrand Aarnoutse (16,NL)NIOHawking_Radiation Python 16 2325
91Jonathan Ho (16,US)CodeCupBlackHole Java 16 2322
92Jochem Raat (19,NL)CodeCuprandom01 C 16 2318
93John Christian David (35,PH)CodeCupB01 C++ 11 16 2305
94Splinter Suidman (15,NL)NIOsplintah C++ 11 16 2292
95Willem Melching (23,NL)CodeCupwillem1 Python 3 16 2286
95Lucas van Osenbruggen (17,NL)NIOstrategyRandom2 Python 3 16 2286
97Arend Mellendijk (17,NL)NIOA C++ 16 2278
98Vitalii Melnyk (23,UA)CodeCupRandom C++ 11 16 2256
99Alexander Rietveldt (16,NL)NIOLeStrijder Python 3 16 2246
100Danny van Dortmont (17,NL)NIOCompetitor_2 Python 3 16 2224
101Mika Zeilstra (17,NL)NIOa Python 3 16 1987
102Michiel Visser (20,NL)CodeCupblackhole C 16 1910
103Peter Jongenburger (16,NL)NIOMain Java 16 1859
104Lorenzo Theunissen (17,NL)NIOa Python 3 16 486 25
105Jens Heuseveldt (20,NL)UnofficialBlackJ C++ 89 11126
106Marcel Vlastuin (58,NL)Unofficialvlastuina C 89 11082
107Ludo Pulles (21,NL)Unofficialtoss_a_coin C++ 11 89 11076
108Willem van der Vegt (62,NL)Unofficialbh13 FreePascal 16 2396
109David Venhoek (21,NL)Unofficialtest C++ 16 2293

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89