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CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2018 - An online programming competition


Contest Blackhole
Date Sat Nov 11 2017
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 77
Swiss rounds 11
Players in final round 64

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Abdessamad El Kasimi (36,MA)CodeCupf4225ce C 74 10451
2Marc Oldenhof (46,NL)CodeCupFoulOleHole_1_3 C++ 11 74 10294
3Maarten Schadd (34,NL)CodeCupBlackbird19 Java 74 10236
4Adil ZARHANE (35,MA)CodeCupA_0_2 Java 74 10140
5Alexandr Mushtagov (36,KZ)CodeCupBlackholeBotFlo... Java 74 10132
6Matthijs Tijink (26,NL)CodeCupperplexity C++ 11 74 10105
7Jelle van Cappelle (18,NL)CodeCupGamblerX Java 74 10093
8Maks Verver (35,CH)CodeCupSagittarius C++ 11 74 10036
9Tjeerd van Cappelle (50,NL)CodeCupZoef Java 74 10025
10Sander Verdonschot (29,CA)CodeCupExpy Java 74 9982
11Nikita Kurgin (30,RU)CodeCupPhoebe C++ 11 74 9977
12Noud Bongers (17,NL)NIOFincent Python 3 74 9942
13Dorin Damaschin (30,RO)CodeCupdorin C++ 11 74 9939
14Arnoud Schmiermann (17,NL)CodeCupBlackhole_2 C 74 9926
15Anatolijs Gorbunovs (30,LV)CodeCupGreyTest C++ 11 74 9916 2
16Tej Kanwar (22,US)CodeCupPotentiallyReal... C++ 11 74 9910
17Tom Smeding (20,NL)CodeCupbo C++ 11 74 9893
18Tudor Serban (37,RO)CodeCupintermediate5X4... C++ 11 74 9873
19Raul Kooter (33,NL)CodeCupAi Java 74 9867
20Rune Valle (33,NO)CodeCupEnrahim C++ 11 74 9866
21Joaquin van Loon (17,NL)NIOPatser C++ 11 74 9861
22Gijs van Swaaij (25,NL)CodeCupstrat6 Python 74 9854
23Jonathan Heek (21,NL)CodeCupfix_old_bits Haskell 74 9848
24Lukas Pestalozzi (25,CH)CodeCupneutronstar Python 3 74 9846
25Reijer van Harten (17,NL)NIONotEvenMyFinalF... C++ 11 74 9842
26Leopold Tschanter (57,AT)CodeCupltblack C 74 9832
27Aleksandrina Strelts... (16,RU)CodeCupJavaPlayer Java 74 9829
28Matthias Gelbmann (56,AT)CodeCupGP C 74 9806
29Luisa Lamprea (43,CO)CodeCupFrank Java 74 9793
30Andor Michels (20,NL)CodeCup7Jacob C++ 11 74 9786
31Sandor Pandur (30,HU)CodeCupDeepDarkBlack Haskell 74 9750
32Rafael Mostert (23,NL)CodeCupfirewall Python 3 74 9714
33Kirk Joubert (31,ZA)CodeCupWasp C++ 74 9711
34Robert Koprinkov (17,NL)NIOEKATERINA_VELIK... C++ 11 74 9700
35Marc Craenen (24,NL)NIOBlackHole Java 74 9695
36Henk Koops (49,NL)CodeCupDBHV12 C++ 74 9643 2
37Narcis Gemene (21,RO)CodeCup16_12_8_60_30_x_7 C++ 11 74 9641
38Peter Smit (30,FI)CodeCupde9888 C++ 11 74 9610
39Maarten Kok (23,NL)CodeCupMain Java 74 9590 1
40Robbert van Kessel (29,NL)CodeCupTest13 C 74 9553
41Dennis Heeffer (16,NL)NIO_ C++ 11 74 9539
42Antonio Morillas (51,ES)CodeCupColador Java 74 9475
43Jelmer Firet (18,NL)NIOMM3 C++ 74 9420
44Tijs Lenssen (15,NL)NIOBlackBot04 C++ 74 9314
45Tom Daman (16,NL)NIOAnother_old_CoC... C++ 11 74 9310
46C.A. Nouta (32,NL)CodeCupTest C 74 9294 8
47Alexandru Flavian Ta... (28,RO)CodeCupatataru_v2 C++ 11 74 9232
48Hugo Arkesteijn (17,NL)NIOMemoederr C 74 9198
49Szabi Buzogany (18,NL)NIOScorpion_V11_5 C++ 11 74 9173
50Mkrtich Adamyan (23,AM)CodeCupCore Java 74 8969
51Jaap Taal (34,NL)CodeCupdefense765 C++ 11 74 8934
52Koen Wolters (22,NL)CodeCupKBHT2 C++ 11 74 8762
53Annejan van den Dool (16,NL)NIOMain2 Java 74 8715
54Bryan Westerveld (17,NL)NIOTestversie Python 74 8598
55Marien Raat (19,NL)CodeCupSlowPoke C++ 11 74 8554
56Sebastiaan Roodenburg (35,NL)CodeCupSupernova C++ 74 8362
57Wouter Visser (17,NL)NIOa Python 3 74 7279
58Alexander Rietveldt (16,NL)NIOLeStrijder Python 3 74 6889
59John Christian David (35,PH)CodeCupB01 C++ 11 74 6844
60Corné Verhoef (17,NL)NIOBlackSmith Python 3 74 6786
61Stian Valle (28,NO)CodeCupR C++ 11 74 6697
62Wout Vissers (17,NL)NIOBlackh0le_1 Python 3 11 1563
63Willem Melching (23,NL)CodeCupwillem1 Python 3 11 1551
64Danny van Dortmont (17,NL)NIOCompetitor_2 Python 3 11 1545
65Ernest van Wijland (16,NL)NIOHIHIHI C++ 11 11 1539
66Dirk Groot (40,NL)CodeCupBlackHole Java 11 1529
67Nick Stijger (14,NL)NIOKopieerterrorist C++ 11 1511
68Peter Vermeulen (32,BE)CodeCupbasic Python 11 1504
69Jochem Raat (19,NL)CodeCuprandom01 C 11 1479
70Michiel Visser (20,NL)CodeCupblackhole C 11 1360
71Arend Mellendijk (17,NL)NIOA C++ 11 1353
72Marc Shair Ali (17,NL)NIOThisIsNotAWorld... Python 3 11 1008 9
73Maurits van Altvorst (15,NL)NIOV2 Python 3 11 833 10
74Jens Heuseveldt (20,NL)UnofficialBlackJ C++ 74 10004
75Marcel Vlastuin (58,NL)Unofficialvlastuin1 C 74 9717
76Willem van der Vegt (62,NL)Unofficialbh13 FreePascal 74 9285
77David Venhoek (21,NL)Unofficialtest C++ 11 1501

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74