This is the archived CodeCup 2011 website.
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CodeCup 2011 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2011 - An online programming competition


Contest Dvonn
Date Sat Nov 20 2010
Competition type Test
Status Finished
Contestants 34
Swiss rounds 9
Players in final round 20

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Maks Verver (28,NL)CodeCupPrimaDvonna C 28 4507
2Abdessamad ELKASIMI (30,MA)CodeCupaid_kbir C 28 3584
3Christian Kauth (26,LU)CodeCupWithOrWithoutYou C++ 28 3442 1
4Pieter Bootsma (22,NL)CodeCupIdealShelby C++ 28 3271 3
5Thijs Marinussen (20,NL)CodeCupKangaroo_r36 C++ 28 2777
6Valentin Hirschi (24,CH)CodeCupDvonn4ever C++ 28 2716
7Mohammad Shokri (23,IR)CodeCupDvonnPlayer C++ 28 2505
8Leon Schoorl (25,NL)CodeCupaBitLess4000 Haskell 28 2295
9Koos van der Linden (17,NL)CodeCupR007 C++ 28 2154
10Bas Nieuwenhuizen (18,NL)CodeCupblackbox C++ 28 2048 3
11saeedeh sadeghi (21,IR)CodeCupmy3 C++ 28 1994
12Bauke Conijn (23,NL)CodeCupsteltkin C++ 28 1931
13Jorik Mandemaker (23,NL)CodeCuppystacker1 Python 28 1757
14Filip Dovland (20,NO)CodeCupnub C++ 28 1473
15Sebastiaan Roodenburg (28,NL)CodeCupDvonnie_Darko C 28 1289
16Jonas Wagner (24,CH)CodeCupsjlverdvonn_bel... C++ 28 783
17Szymon Wylezol (22,GB)CodeCupCodeCupPlayer Java 1.5 28 427
18Remco Bloemen (23,GB)CodeCupBitFiddler C++ 28 415
19Kirk Brown (37,CA)CodeCupborg C++ 9 946
20John Christian David (28,PH)CodeCupPnoyPlayerBeta02 C++ 9 908
21G. van der Vegt (20,NL)CodeCupHopMan3 Python 9 833
21Rahim Hajibagheran (22,IR)CodeCupDvo Java 1.5 9 833
23Cheng-Yu Peng (21,TW)CodeCupXXX C++ 9 808
24Thariq Nugrohotomo (21,ID)CodeCupCodeCupA Java 1.5 9 741
25Matthijs Tijink (18,NL)CodeCupvonnHelsing C++ 9 709
26Ethan Berl (19,US)CodeCupDvonn0003 C 9 666 7
27saba Esnaashari (20,IR)CodeCupversion2 C++ 9 618 2
28Tomek Czajka (29,PL)CodeCupBoardDevil C++ 9 601
29Allan van Hulst (25,NL)CodeCupDiego C 9 508 2
30Vincent Bloemen (19,NL)CodeCupRandomPlayer Java 1.5 9 489
31Marcel Vlastuin (51,NL)unofficialMind_the_squirrel C++ 28 2893
32Laurent van den Bos (18,NL)unofficialqwerty_reborn FreePascal 28 1759
33David Venhoek (17,NL)unofficialTest3 C++ 9 890 2
34Willem van der Vegt (55,NL)unofficialdvonn1 FreePascal 9 882

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
26 27 28