 * BlindEyes 0.1
 * Random moves

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

int main()
	// Variables used in the IO proces
	char input[4][27];		// 4 Lines of viewing information unparsed
							// We get a maximum of 25 characters from the competition
							// enviroment, we need 2 for the newline and \0
	int oppDist;			// Square of the distance to the opponent (parsed)
	char myMove[257];		// Buffer for the Move we do (we can do just 256 steps
							//  each turn + \0 = 257 characters)
	int myMoveLength;		// length of the Move we do

	// Variables used in the algorithm
	int direction;			// What is the direction we are going to move
							//  0 - straight ahead
							//  1 - right
							//  2 - backwards
							//  3 - left
	int steps;				// number of steps we were capable of doing in the chosen direction

	// Initialize rand using the time to get random results

	// Read first line and check whether we are the starting player
	scanf("%s", &input[0][0]);
	if (strcmp(&input[0][0], "Start") == 0)
		// We have read start so this is not the first line of viewing information
		// read that line now
		scanf("%s", &input[0][0]);
	// if we didn't read start as first line it will be viewing information

	while (1)
		// Read the remaining lines of viewing information
		scanf("%s", &input[1][0]);
		scanf("%s", &input[2][0]);
		scanf("%s", &input[3][0]);

		// Read the distance to the Opponent
		scanf("%d", &oppDist);

		/* Code to decide move starts here */
		myMove[0] = 'T';	// Do a Turn move, this is guaranteed to be possible
		myMoveLength = 1;	// We have character in myMove
		direction = rand() % 4;	// Select direction to walk in
		// If there is no opening in the current side we pick the next
		while (input[direction][0] == 'W')
			if (direction == 4)
				direction = 0;			// wrap round, limit to 0-3

		// Take on step in the direction chosen
		case 0:			// forward
			myMove[0] = 'F';
		case 1:			// right
			myMove[0] = 'R';
		case 2:			// backwards
			myMove[0] = 'T';
		case 3:			// left
			myMove[0] = 'L';
		// make more steps till we can go left or right or meet an endwall
		steps = 1;
		while (input[direction][steps] == 'N')	// if it isnt N it either has a gap
												// or is an endwall
			myMove[steps] = 'F';

		// We have exactly steps characters in myMove so its length is equal to steps
		myMoveLength = steps;
		/* Code to decide move ends here */

		myMove[myMoveLength] = '\0';	// Finish our move string with a null character
										// (for printf)
		printf("%s\n", myMove);	// Report our move back to the caiaio
		fflush(stdout);			// make sure the software gets our output

		// Check for a quit message
		scanf("%s", &input[0][0]);
		if (strcmp(&input[0][0], "Quit") == 0)
			return 0;
		// Input[0][0] is not a quit message thus it is the first line of the viewing info
		// so we are in the same state as at the begining of the loop

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