  Framework for an Alqueque player in Python.
  Replace the TODO comments with your own code.

import sys

class Alquerque:

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the game state."""
        self.moveCount = 0
        self.whiteTurn = True
        # TODO : initialize a variable to hold the game board

    def doMove(self, move):
        """Play a move and update the game state."""
        # TODO : decode the move, update the game board
        self.moveCount += 1
        self.whiteTurn = not self.whiteTurn

    def stillPlaying(self):
        """Return True if the game is not yet finished."""
        if self.moveCount >= 200:
            return False
        # TODO : determine whether a move can be made by the player on turn

    def selectMove(self):
        """Select a good move and return it as a string."""
        # TODO

def main():
    """Main routine."""

    # Initialize the game
    game = Alquerque()

    # Read the first line
    s = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower()

    if s == 'start':
        # I am playing white
        game.whitePlayer = True
        # I am playing black; the first line contains white's first move
        game.whitePlayer = False

    while game.stillPlaying():

        # Select the move I want to make
        move = game.selectMove()

        # Send my move to the system
        sys.stdout.write(move + '\n')

        if game.stillPlaying():
            # Read next move by opponent
            s = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower()

"""Call main routine."""

# End