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CodeCup 2006

Game report

Game:   6585
Detectives:   Mait Raag (#6390 Jooksus)
Fugitive:   Jan Paul Posma (#6506 TakeASprint)
Status:  OK
Result:  0 - 20 (FUGITIVE WIN)
The fugitive has escaped the detectives.

Board position

Map: connect13.txt

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Mait Raag
Jan Paul Posma
Start.1 15 163 26
   1.C 165
   2.59 78 151 45
   3.C 48
   4.41 72 38 63
   5.C 33
   6.119 15 105 68
   7.C 13
   8.28 159 54 61
   9.C 104
  10.57 15 105 118
  11.C 13
  12.41 10 163 61
  13.C 33
  14.196 159 114 118
  15.C 13
  16.156 89 145 12
  17.C 33
  18.11 159 3 183
  19.C 13
  20.196 192 33 12
  21.C 104
  22.156 159 48 118
  23.C 146
  24.168 45 165 12
  25.C 85
  26.11 159 7 94
  27.C 70
  28.55 78 165 135
  29.C 32
  30.11 15 67 65
  31.C 146
  32.119 159 165 16
  33.C 32
  34.36 10 141 65
  35.C 146
  36.73 198 158 9
  37.C 145
  38.119 22 141 129
  39.C 146
  40.41 190 158 34
  41.C 32
  42.57 160 112 129
  43.C 146
  44.196 126 158 9
  45.C 32
  46.11 160 51 129
  47.C 146
  48.119 190 169 9
  49.C 145
  50.28 123 51 42
  51.C 146
  52.133 81 142 161
  53.C 32
  54.107 58 158 42
  55.C 146
  56.3 81 51 9
  57.C 32
  58.87 35 169 129
  59.C 70
  60.3 81 55 9
  61.C 31
  62.107 123 169 135
  63.C 70
  64.25 81 51 63
  65.C 32
  66.59 71 142 135
  67.C 146
  68.41 123 47 26
  69.C 104
  70.196 198 142 130
  71.C 13
  72.41 10 110 26
  73.C 33
  74.57 75 152 27
  75.C 13
  76.28 89 110 183
  77.C 104
  78.23 72 101 12
  79.C 146
  80.143 78 148 183
  81.C 104
  82.97 72 179 12
  83.C 146
  84.141 15 3 118
  85.C 85
  86.158 9 87 61
  87.C 70
  88.112 129 96 68
  89.C 31
  90.194 34 20 63
  91.C 70
  92.142 134 191 182
  93.C 85
  94.110 46 188 115
  95.C 32
  96.142 65 121 155
  97.C 85
  98.131 9 191 115
  99.C 70
 100.142 114 20 155
The fugitive has escaped the detectives.
Status:  LOSEWIN
Game pts:020