This is the archived CodeCup 2010 website.
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CodeCup 2010 - An online programming competition  

CodeCup 2010 - An online programming competition


Contest Amazes
Date Sat Jan 16 2010
Competition type Official
Status Finished
Contestants 38
Swiss rounds 10
Players in final round 24

Results and ranking

Click on the name of a contestant to see the list of games.

Rank Name Group Program Language Rounds Points Fail
1Carlo Piovesan (24,IT)CodeCupplayerL2 C++ 33 39246
2Vincent Bloemen (18,NL)CodeCupWallhack Java 1.5 33 32310
3Dan Banica (22,RO)CodeCupA Java 1.5 33 30726
4Arjan de Vries (35,NL)CodeCuphittingback FreePascal 33 28624
5Harry Rietberg (41,NL)CodeCupAmazing_V109 Java 1.5 33 28478
6Koos van der Linden (16,NL)NIOPacman C 33 27684
7Schuyler Smith (16,US)CodeCuporange Python 33 25212 3
8Sebastian Pawlak (30,PL)CodeCupDungeonRat7 Java 1.5 33 24980
9David Venhoek (17,NL)NIODarkMaster C 33 24962
10Wouter Smeenk (23,NL)CodeCupHunterV250 Java 1.5 33 21246
11Matthijs Tijink (17,NL)NIOShortcut C++ 33 19928
12Laurent van den Bos (17,NL)NIOprogram_in_black FreePascal 33 19894
13Lars Corbijn (18,NL)CodeCupFirstOut C++ 33 16752
14Davide Kirchner (18,IT)CodeCupTiny_Tiger_2_0 C++ 33 16339
15Maks Verver (26,NL)CodeCupUnnamedPlayer1 C 33 13184
16Sebastiaan Roodenburg (27,NL)CodeCupTheseus C 33 12680
17Rafael Mostert (15,NL)CodeCupMaestro5 C 33 10779
18Ethan Berl (18,US)CodeCupTheseus C 33 10492
19Stephen Robertson (25,ZA)CodeCupMarauder Java 1.5 33 9805
20Bauke Conijn (22,NL)CodeCupLost C++ 33 7756
21Jan Paul Posma (19,NL)CodeCupNotAmazed Java 1.5 33 7266
22Tanaeem Moosa (24,BD)CodeCupv3 C++ 33 6888
23Michel Dekker (19,NL)CodeCupShinChan Java 1.5 33 6311
24Rune Valle (25,NO)CodeCupEnrahim2 C++ 10 5922
25Pascal Pieters (16,NL)NIOKoala C++ 10 5868 3
26Erik Massop (19,NL)CodeCupUeberfail C++ 10 5864
27Bas Nieuwenhuizen (17,NL)NIOMove C++ 10 5633
28Stian Valle (20,NO)CodeCupinfvalian_first C++ 10 5409
29Raymond van Bommel (18,NL)CodeCupraydiscover FreePascal 10 5371
30Samuel Vergara (23,CL)CodeCupraton_RC1 C 10 3148
31dark raven (17,CN)CodeCupLast_struggle C 10 2532
32G. van der Vegt (19,NL)CodeCupHunter Java 1.5 10 1757
33Ivaylo Stefanov (19,BG)CodeCupnew C++ 10 41
34Lesley Wevers (22,NL)CodeCupImportTest Haskell 10 0
34Niels ten Dijke (18,NL)NIOtest1 Python 10 0
36Marcel Vlastuin (50,NL)unofficialBrightFinder C++ 33 18275
37Willem van der Vegt (54,NL)unofficialama6a FreePascal 10 5820
38Jaap Taal (25,NL)unofficialFirstJavascript Javascript 10 131

Round index

Click on a round number to see the list of games and the intermediate ranking.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 
27 28 29 30 31 32 33